Monday, April 29, 2013

I miss my diet pills...

I feel so weak for wanting them back. i miss the energy, and the lack of hunger- all i do is snack 24/7 now. its so gross. i haven't gotten on a scale yet- but i just know Ive gained weight. im going to get so fat and ugly and awful and i just want to go die in my room alone. i cant do this. im not ready- im too weak...

I wont buy more pills though- because i cant hurt you again... but this is killing me. i just want to be thin! why are you so against it? i am not really that thin anyway. im not in danger. you are overreacting. please let me be thin... please, please, please :'(

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Im fucking fat.

Im so sorry ... but no dinner. Ive got goldfish and water to keep me alive tonight at work- but the mere thought of taking in over 600 calories on purpose in one day: makes me want to purge until my body gives out on the floor. I cant do this. Im such a failure. I wish i were dead. I would rather be dead than get fat. I cant... i just cant... :'( please forgive me. </3

Almost 300 calories for breakfast ...

Someone kill me, please ... :'(

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Starting recovery ...

I've given up all diet aids and laxatives /diuretics. Im so scared im going to get so fucking fat... :'(

Friday, April 26, 2013

i cut so much... damn, just walking hurts :'(


breakfast: nothing (0)
lunch: egg white, green bell pepper, pepper jack cheese burrito (300), applesauce (50) and juice/tea (15)
dinner: well see when i get there. if i can- i will eat. if i cant- its  okay. its one meal. im taking each meal as it comes.

starting to look at diet/nutrition plans for recovering anorexics. not crazy about the ultra high cal counts- but im taking my life back, starting today.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dear, stop exercising:

And i mean, what else am i going to do? Sit around and let all the food I've been eating ruin all the hard work I've put into this body?! Not going to happen. Im going to be lovely. You should be happy im working out. Im sure youd love my body covered in fat rolls and cellulite. Im sure youd love it if i was too fat to have sex without passing out. You want me to be fat?! No! I didnt think so, so back off!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Big fat pig!

You disgust me. You have no will-power. You are a failure. You make every anorexic out there- ashamed and they hate you. You cant do anything right. Not even lose your fat ass. Ugh. Pathetic.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Yesterday i had over 1500 calories. Ana is furious with me. The scale will show what a fucking fat ass i have become. I always do this! I get my weight to a low point, and then i eat like a fucking cow. I cant even look at my reflection without tears swelling from my eyes and spilling over so they can run down every inch of blubber on my body. I will never be perfect if i eat like a big fat whore. I punished myself- cutting up my forearm, and letting my blood drip onto my Thinspo collage. Never every time i see it, i will be reminded what the alternative to perfection is.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Going to try not to weigh myself again today...

But...This morning i was down to 121!!! Woot XD

Must learn how to hide it better...


Don't mention calories in food

Don't talk about your weight

Don't put up a fit about eating something with the family

Don't count calories in front of others

Never purge at home

Don't brag about weight-loss

Try to eat something in front of family or friends

Don't workout at home (unless everyone else is gone/sleeping)

Avoid going out to eat at all costs

Don't make thinspo at home

When faced with a large calorie meal, simple drink as much water as possible

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Making an Anorexia Collage

Using these Photos, I intend on making a collage that will serve as motivation to stay friends with Ana. I've been a horrible friend lately and I need to make it up to her. I can make her proud. I know I can.

CW: 122lbs   :D
GW: 115lbs  (by May 11th)

Thursday, April 4, 2013


During sleep, a person's weight and the number of hours he/she sleeps determine how many calories are burned. Normally, a person burns about 0.42 calories for every pound in one hour of sleep. For instance, a 150 lb. person burns about 63 calories in one hour. If this person sleeps for eight hours total, he/she burns 504 calories for the whole duration. Just multiply the average rate with every pound of weight and number of hours of sleep. Therefore, the heavier a person is, as well as the longer a person sleeps, the more calories are burned


She saw me cutting out pictures of perfect model bodies today ... she made me put them away... grr >:/

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Real world.

Reality is cold
Life is unfair
Love is conditional
Trust gets broken
Friends disappear
Hopes are crushed
Dreams will fade
Wishes are lost
Gifts are returned
Acceptance is refuted
Direction can morph
Secrets get told
Freedom is taken
Growth can stall
Safety is an illusion
Warmth will diminish
Heroes can lie
Energy gets spent
Joy shall elude us
Saviors are pretend
Security won't last
Calm comes from chaos
Purpose will change
Value is diminished

Dear mom,

Sometimes, you are the most annoying, self righteous, bitch I know. You don't know how I feel, you don't know how I cope, you don't know how I should live my life- so please -- butt the fuck out and let me be an individual!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Im crabby and tired.

I swear if bad dreams keep me up again tonight, im going to fucking cry.

Im so tired. This is not okay.

No one can handle me

Im too much for anyone to handle. Im a failure, a loser, a bitch, insane, emotional, stupid, hard headed, and useless.

I wish i was hit by a car...

Ana wont be my friend right now....

So i am having some time with Mia.


Im a stupid, fat, attention whore, and no one will ever love me. Im broken. No one can fix me. Im bent on self destruction and i won't stop until I'm dead. The hardest ones to love are the ones who need it most- but they are also the ones who will hurt you more than anyone else. I want to die. Who would ever love someone who cant even look in a mirror without having urges to purge. Im so fucking stupid. I should just give up trying. No one deserves to be in a relationship with such a destructive, emotional tornado. I can't be a positive addiction to anyones life- EVER. Im just a soul sucker... Who wants to be my next victim?

My feelings hurt.

Its my own fault- i shouldnt have looked at his personal blog... i even told him i wouldn't. But i did... and on it he said "no one cares about your bad dreams"... if only he knew what it was like to have night terrors where you wake up drenched in sweat and heart racing. Fearing sleep because you know the demons in your head run free when you're sleeping.

...if only he knew, in my dream last night- he told me to go kill myself because Kari became hot enough to fuck now.

No one cares... i know... i should go away so no one needs to feel obligated to care...